10 events found.
Ladies Bible Class
Temple Baptist Church 313 18th St SW, Great Falls, MT, United States
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Temple Baptist Church 313 18th St SW, Great Falls, MT, United StatesJoin us for our men’s prayer breakfast. Breakfast will be served and a time of fellowship with a short message of encouragement to follow.
Split Session
Temple Baptist Church 313 18th St SW, Great Falls, MT, United StatesDeacons Meeting
Temple Baptist Church 313 18th St SW, Great Falls, MT, United States
Easter Sunrise Service
Temple Baptist Church 313 18th St SW, Great Falls, MT, United StatesIn celebration of Easter Sunday, April 1, we will be having a Sunrise Service with a potluck breakfast to follow. *Sunday School and Morning Worship at normal hours. There will be no Evening Service.
Ladies’ Bible Study – “Life of Christ”
Temple Baptist Church 313 18th St SW, Great Falls, MT, United StatesMeets at the church every Tuesday at 1:15. All ladies welcome.
Mother-Daughter Brunch
Temple Baptist Church 313 18th St SW, Great Falls, MT, United StatesAll ladies are welcome to this special time of fellowship. Details to come
$3 – $7
Mother’s Day
Temple Baptist Church 313 18th St SW, Great Falls, MT, United StatesMother's Day