Ladies’ Summer Bible Class

Temple Baptist Church 313 18th St SW, Great Falls, MT, United States

  Learn to balance truth and love while studying the books of Philemon, 2 & 3 John, and Jude. The study guide, "Postcards", is available for purchase through the office.


Homeschool Moms

Amy's Mornng Perk

Join us for a time of encouragement and fellowship, as we share a cup coffee or tea, a devotion from God's Word, and a whole lot of conversation and laughter.

Homeschool Moms

Amy's Mornng Perk

      If you are a homeschooling Mom, or are interested in homeschooling, you are invited to join us for coffee, a short devotion time, and a lot of laughter and fellowship.


All Workers Meeting

Temple Baptist Church 313 18th St SW, Great Falls, MT, United States

This meeting is for all those serving in any ministry that involves our children or youth. Breakfast will be provided.